"Life is a journey , not a destination"
I'm a passionate Frontend Engineer from India . I love building web apps, debugging errors and helping fellow coders. Currently looking for Frontend Engineering opportunities.
A Photo Gallery app where you can upload and save your pictures in public/personal space.
Technologies Used: HTML5,CSS3,Javascript,ReactJS,FirebaseA full stack chat application where you can create groups and sent text messages.
Technologies Used: JS,ReactJS,CSS3,MaterialUI,FirebaseA note taking app where you can add and save your notes with realtime editor.
Technologies Used: CSS3,JS,ReactJS,React Quill,FirebaseA movie recommendation app with detailed cast,ratings and recommendations.
Technologies Used: CSS3,JS,ReactJS,REST API,FirebaseSo after reading this article, you'll understand and would be able to explain the concepts of Hoisting, lexical environment, and block scope easily. And we'll follow this roadmap - JavaScript behind the scenes (Execution Context and Call Stack) ....
In JavaScript, functions are known as First-Class Citizens because they allow us to perform asynchronous tasks. Functions can also be used as an argument inside a function and can be returned as well. But what exactly is a callback function? When we pass....